The PAGB co-ordinates the interests of all its UK Member Federations and their Member Clubs in matters of common interest and to co-operate with other national and international photographic bodies

Member Federations may use the sub-title ‘Member of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain’ whilst Clubs belonging to Member Federations may use the sub-title ‘Affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain’. (click here) 

The PAGB organises photographic events for its Federations and Clubs. It offers various services such as Handbook, Insurances, Recorded Lectures and its own photographic Distinctions, known as Awards for Photographic Merit (APM). The PAGB has strong links with the Royal Photographic Society. It is a also a member of FIAP although Scottish membership of FIAP predates the PAGB, and SPF members are affiliated through our own Scottish membership.

A number of these PAGB events and services have to be accessed via the SPF. In this web area we have tried to direct you to the best place on either the PAGB website or to the SPF area of this website as appropriate.

The PAGB is run by an Executive Committee who are elected at the Annual General Meeting each April. This Executive meets three times per year to discuss and arrange the events and other matters related to the PAGB. To find out Who's Who on the PAGB Executive (click here)  

The SPF currently, and unusually, has two members on the PAGB Executive Committee - Rod Wheelans MPAGB MFIAP HonPAGB and Libby Smith MPAGB EFIAP HonPAGB. Both are holders of the JS Lancaster award for service to PAGB photography.

Rod is also Honorary Life Vice-President of the PAGB as well as a Past President. He is Chairman of the PAGB Awards for Photographic Merit and the PAGB Print Championship, and also editor of the PAGB's e-news.  Libby is the SPF's member of the PAGB Executive and is on the PAGB Awards for Photographic Merit, PAGB Digital Championship and PAGB Print Championship sub-committees.

PAGB Photographer Eligibility From Apr 2024

NEW April 2024 - For Clubs with Photographers who are members of other Clubs outwith the SPF, or if they live outwith Scotland. Please ensure the Photographer and your Clubs read the following conditions before using their work in PAGB competitions.

The eligibility of a Photographer applies to a particular Club as part of an entry by the Club, or as part of an entry which references that Club. A Photographer who is, or has been, a member of more than one Club may be eligible via one Club but not via another. It is a universal requirement that a Photographer’s Images may only be submitted to one Event by one Entrant. The Photographer and Clubs must have clear arrangements in place to ensure this happens.

Clubs have the relevant information about their members and have primary responsibility for determining Photographer eligibility. Clubs should be prepared to explain the basis of a Photographer’s eligibility on enquiry from the PAGB, the Federation or the Photographer. Clubs will have a local catchment area covering distances which would allow members to attend physical meetings.

Members from another Federation recruited from outside that area can only be considered eligible to enter PAGB competitions via the Club after specific PAGB approval, which will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. If a Club is entering a PAGB Competition and there is doubt about eligibility, the Club should apply for a ruling from the PAGB. More details are included in the below PDF.

What Does this Apply to? - Further Guidance You may have noted in the revised General Conditions for PAGB Events including the Print Championship, Projected Digital Image Championship, GB Trophies, GB Cups and the Inter-Federation Competitions, "A Federation or Club, subject to the exceptions noted below, may only enter the work of member who resides in their Federation."

It was accepted that there might be some exceptional circumstances, such as a long term member who has moved home but who has maintained continuous membership and doesn’t compete with any other Club, so prior to entering any PAGB Event, a Club is permitted to submit a case via their Federation for acceptance of work by an individual for specific reason.

  • Note 1. The rule does not extend to the Awards for Photographic Merit (APM) or to the Masters of Print (MoP) which are individual entries, not Club entries. It is true that there are two Awards for Clubs in the MoP, but these are Sponsor Awards rather than PAGB Awards.
  • Note 2. Clubs and Federations are autonomous. They are free to set their own criteria and rules and this restriction does not apply to anything other than specified PAGB Competitions.

If you require advice please contact the SPF Executive Member (click here)

2024 PAGB Inter-Club Projected Championship - SPF Club Results

This year's event was held at a new venue although still able to be called 'Warwick' as it was held in Warwick itself at Warwick School, Myton Road.

Three Scottish Clubs made the trip to represent the SPF; Dumfries CC who made last year's final, along with Bon Accord CC and Kilmaurs PC who qualified in November's SPF PDI Championship. This year's Judges were Tillman Kleinhans (L&CPU), Libby Smith (SPF) and Howard Tate (YPU).

The 37 Clubs entered this year's competition, from the PAGB Federations, and competed in the first and second rounds for a place in the final. The competition was keenly fought with 10 Clubs qualifying for the final. 

At the end of the first two rounds, Dumfries had qualified for the Final, while Bon Accord CC and Kilmaurs PC competed for the Plate trophy. The final results was to see Dumfries finish in 8th place with 244 points.

In the plate Kilmaurs finished on 94 points, and Bon Accord CC finished on 99 points in 8th= place.

No Individual Awards went to Scottish authors this time.

To see many of the entries from the finalists and Individual Award Winners (click here) or to see a copy of the Print Championship Catalogue of Results (click here

PAGB Diary

The PAGB's full Diary of events is available from their website (click here) although we have included many of the popular ones in our own SPF Diary. Check the SPF Diary for the SPF Closing Dates for SPF entries to events such as PAGB Inter-Fed Competitions. SPF held PAGB Awards Workshops will also only be listed on the SPF Diary (click here).

PAGB Newsletter the e-news

The PAGB produces a regular free newsletter called the e-news which keeps Clubs and individuals up to date with PAGB events and offers from sponsors. This includes news and information relevant to SPF member Clubs and can be anything from Insurance changes to Competition Results.

The SPF notify all of its Clubs, Judges and Lecturers by email whenever an e-news is available but Individuals are encouraged to sign up for a copy. You can do so by visiting the e-news website (click here) The images above and below show you what the e-news looks like and a sample of its content.

For a full copy of a recent PAGB e-news (Aug 2018) containing loads of Scottish successes (click here) This will also take you to the PAGB e-news site where you can browse through past issues.

Rod Wheelans is the editor of the e-news. Contact Rod directly if you would like an article to be considered for publication in the e-news.

2023 PAGB Print Championship Results

This year’s event was held again at Westholme School, Blackburn on Saturday 21st October. Two Scottish Clubs made the trip to represent the SPF; Dumfries CC and Edinburgh PS. The Judges were Armando Jongejan from the Netherlands, Erica Oram (YPU) and Christine Widdall (L&CPU).

37 Clubs competed in the first round for a place in the final. Nine Clubs ended up qualifying for the final, which was again a close fought battle with only one point between making it into the Final and the Plate competition. Unfortunately no SPF clubs made it into the final.

The Plate result was to see Edinburgh and Dumfries both finish on 93 pts, with the Plate winners finishing on 98 pts. 

No Individual Awards went to Scottish authors this time.

To see many of the entries from the finalists and Individual Award Winners (click here) or to see a copy of the Print Championship Catalogue of Results (click here

PAGB Lockdown Archive

209 people entered 743 images, all taken in the period February to June 2020. The Top 100 have now been selected by Richard Speirs and Gordon Jenkins, both EC members and PAGB Judges.

The Top 100 now form galleries on the PAGB website - (Click Here to view) 

The images in these galleries have been chosen as standalone pictures, reflecting how you felt and what you did during this time. It is probably fair to say that some very good images were not selected as they did not reflect this strange period and could have been taken at almost any time. The selectors were charged with choosing the most interesting pictures and were not given access to the stories which accompanied many of the photographs although, in many cases, the story was as important as the picture.

A recorded lecture is being prepared to include this Top 100 and many more of your entries, accompanied with the words which add so much to their meaning. So, please enjoy the photographs in our galleries but, when it is available, consider getting your Club to hire the Recorded Lecture. When this pandemic is eventually behind us, the show will form a vivid and emotional record of this strange time.

PAGB Masters of Print

The Masters of Print competition is open to Individual Photographers, who are members of SPF member Clubs. Individual Photographers may enter directly, without any pre-qualification. Some details are available below, more can be found (click here).

This fairly new Masters of Print Competition normally closes around October, and is judged shortly after. The Judging will be followed by a public Exhibition normally around December. Photographers may enter prints to any combination of the Monochrome, Colour and Nature Categories, and awards are made to individual prints. Prints are then selected for the Exhibition. Awards and Selections for the Exhibition will also be published in the Exhibition Catalogue.

Since 2019 a Club competition has been added to this event. Any entry submitted as part of a Club entry is also eligible for any Individual Award.

PAGB Awards for Photographic Merit

These distinctions are only available to members of PAGB Affiliated Clubs. As a member of an SPF Club you are eligible to apply.

If you are looking for a challenge, or you would like to see how your photography measures against others throughout the UK, then this is a great way for you to achieve some letters after your name. You do not have to produce work as a panel, just have the required number of photos at the level you are applying for. You can enter in Prints or as Projected Digital Images. You only pay on applying and you don’t have to pay any ongoing membership fee to keep your Award once you have been successful. 

You must Pre-Qualify and apply through the SPF's PAGB Awards Officer. Full details can be found on this website's PAGB Awards distinctions area (click here)

The PAGB run Awards Workshops to aid applicants in through the process. The SPF also runs these, and we have the advantage of having two members of the PAGB's Awards Sub-committee involved in running them - Chairman Rod Wheelans, and SPF's PAGB Awards Officer Libby Smith. Visit our SPF PAGB Awards distinctions area (click here) for more details.

Above are some successful applicants from the August 2015 PAGB Awards Adjudication. More examples of successful candidates can be seen in the SPF's Gallery section of this website as well as on our own SPF Distinctions area.

Your Club can also hire a CD from the PAGB Recorded Lecture Service which contains more examples at the various levels of Awards for details see the Catalogue of the PAGB's Recorded Lecture Service available from the PAGB CMS website (Requires Club Officer Log-In).

PAGB Competitions

The PAGB run a number of competitions, some are between the 15 Federations, others are between Clubs invited to represent their Federations. Two, introduced in recent years, are open to all PAGB affiliated Clubs, which means that all SPF Member Clubs are eligible to enter. Hopefully the following information will help you understand the difference and which ones you can enter.


The PAGB GB Cup is an Inter-Club competition for Projected Digital Images and every club who is affiliated through a Member Federation (SPF) is eligible to enter. There is no pre-qualification for this event.

There are three separate competitions – GB Cup (Open), GB Cup (Small Clubs) and GB Cup (Nature). Entry is made online via the PAGB's Central Entry System website. Participating clubs will receive an AV show of the best pictures on a DVD, sufficient to fill an excellent Club evening. At least one of each club’s entry is always included.

Visit the PAGB website (Click here) for details about the event or visit the SPF Website's NEW dedicated web page for these events which also contains SPF Club results and awards (click here)

PAGB GB Trophy

The PAGB GB Trophy is an Inter-Club competition for unmounted Prints and every club who is affiliated through a Member Federation (SPF) is eligible to enter. This event was introduced in 2015.  There are two separate competitions – GB Trophy (Open – Mono and Colour), and GB Trophy (Nature). Entry is made online via the PAGB's Central Entry System website. (Click here) to vist the PAGB website for details about this event or visit the SPF Website's NEW dedicated web page for these events which also contains SPF Club results and awards (click here).

PAGB Inter-Federation Competitions

The PAGB organise four Inter-Federation competitions annually, for Monochrome Print, Colour Print, Projected Image and Nature Projected Image. These competitions carry PAGB Patronage, and individual medals and ribbons are awarded. All of the member Federations of the PAGB compete in these competitions. Their entries are made up from work submitted by their member clubs or authors. 

The Scottish Photographic Federation enters these events annually.  To find out more about the SPF's entry and results in these events and how you can submit images/prints for selection as part of our entry then please visit the following area of this SPF website (click here) dedicated to these events, and the SPF's Results.

The PAGB Print and Projected Image Exhibitions are selected from these Competitions by Judges appointed by the PAGB. The resulting Exhibitions are made available to the Federations in the form of DVD shows. These are available annually for SPF Clubs to book from the SPF Recorded Lecture Secretary (click here) for details

You can also visit the PAGB website for full details of all of the other PAGB Federation's results (click here)

PAGB Inter-Club Projected Championship

Each Federation chooses two Clubs annually to represent it at this Championship. The SPF chooses the top Clubs from our own SPF Digital Championship.

These Clubs along with the finalists from the previous year compete to determine the National Projected Champion Club, who receives the Darwin Clayton Trophy.  The Clubs who don’t make the final of the event compete for the Don Morrison Plate.  Visit the PAGB website for details (click here)

PAGB Inter-Club Print Championship

Each Federation chooses two Clubs annually to represent it at this Championship. The SPF chooses the top Clubs from our own SPF Print Championship.

These Clubs, along with the finalists, from the previous year compete to determine the National Print Champion Club, who receives the John Robb Quaich, which was donated by the SPF. The Clubs who don’t make the final of the event compete for the Terry Chapman Plate. Visit the PAGB website for details (click here) 


In addition to the above, the PAGB offer a range of services including the PAGB Handbook with complete lists of Judges & Lecturers.  It also offers Patronage of Exhibitions, Service Awards and Advice Documents.

Some of these require to be accessed via the SPF, others the Clubs can go to directly.

See below and PAGB website for further details of the PAGB's services (click here)

Recorded Lecture Service

The PAGB has an extensive Recorded Lecture Service containing lectures from some of the UK’s best known photographers inc. Phil & Gwen Charnock, Irene Froy and Tim Pile. Also available are shows on the PAGB Awards for Photographic Merit, and past years of the PAGB GB Cup.

Some details are contained within the PAGB Handbook, but full details are available on the PAGB website (click here).

To gain access to the PAGB Club Management System (CMS) Website (formerly called the CES) as an SPF Club, and be able to download or order any PAGB Recorded Lectures please see the following news article which contains full details of how to go about this (click here)


Preferencial insurances are available through the PAGB. All SPF Clubs can take advantage of these exclusive arrangements, which are arranged with the PAGB's broker who are able of offer very competitive Public Liability and other Insurances.

For full details and to see how premiums/Insurances are collection or arranged in the first instance please visit the following area of this SPF website (click here). Links to the PAGB Insurance Broker's website and policies are also supplied there. If you require any assistance please contact the SPF Treasurer.

NB - These Insurances are only available to Clubs who continue to be full paid up SPF members.

Service Awards

The PAGB have three Service Awards for service to photography, two of which nominations can be made to the PAGB for consideration; the APAGB and the HonPAGB - JS Lancaster Medal.

The third, the Honorary Vice Life President of the PAGB, can only be nominated by the PAGB Executive, and elected at an PAGB AGM.

More details about the APAGB and JS Lancaster Medal can be found below, or for full details go to the PAGB Website (click here)

APAGB - PAGB Award for Meritorious Service

This Award was instituted in 1984 to be national recognition of individual club members who have given meritorious service over many years within the PAGB community of member Federations and affiliated Clubs.

A Certificate and Badge are presented upon grant of the Award and holders may use the letters APAGB after their names.

Please visit the SPF's Service Awards area of this website for details of SPF recipients (click here)

HonPAGB - JS Lancaster Medal

The JS Lancaster Medal was instituted in 1998 to recognise exceptional service to the PAGB, and is named after its first Secretary. Award holders may use the designation 'HonPAGB' replacing any previous award of APAGB.

Anyone considering making a nomination should contact the PAGB General Secretary to be put in touch with the Awards Subcommittee Chairman. Further details are available below, and are also supplied on the PAGB Website (click here).

The SPF has had two recipients of the JS Lancaster Medal since its introduction in 1998 - Rod Wheelans, Dumfries CC and Libby Smith, Carluke CC.

Past PAGB Club Championship Results
2023 PAGB Inter-Club Projected Championship - SPF Club Results

This year's event was held at this event's regular venue of Warwick University on 15th July. Two Scottish Clubs made the trip to represent the SPF; Dumfries CC and Paisley Colour PC who qualified in November's SPF PDI Championship. This year's Judges were Libby Smith (SPF), Steven Le Prevost (SCPF) and Sue Sibley (SCPF).

The 41 Clubs entered this year's competition, from the PAGB Federations, and competed in the first and second rounds for a place in the final. The competition was keenly fought with 8 Clubs qualifying for the final.  

At the end of the first two rounds, Dumfries had qualified for the Final, while Paisley Colour competed for the Plate trophy. The final result was to see Dumfries finish in 7th place with 236 points. In the plate Paisley Colour finished on 98 points in 9th= place, only 4 points behind the Plate winner.

A copy of the full results is available (click here) and the Award Winning Photos can be viewed (click here)

2022 PAGB Print Championship Results

This year’s event was held again at Westholme School, Blackburn on saturday 22nd October. Two Scottish Clubs made the trip to represent the SPF; Dumfries CC and Carluke CC. The Judges were Gwen Charnock (L&CPU), Richard Speirs (NCPF) and Des Clinton (IPF).

34 Clubs competed in the first round for a place in the final. Nine Clubs ended up qualifying for the final, which was again a close fought battle with only one point between making it into the Final and the Plate competition. Unfortunately no SPF clubs made it into the final.

The Plate result was to see Carluke finish on 94 pts, and Dumfries on 97 pts, in 3rd= place. 

No Individual Awards went to Scottish authors this time.

To see many of the entries from the finalists and Individual Award Winners (click here) or to see a copy of the Print Championship Catalogue of Results (click here

2022 PAGB Inter-Club Projected Championship - SPF Club Results

This year's event was held at this event's regular venue of Warwick University in July. Two Scottish Clubs made the trip to represent the SPF; Dumfries CC who was a previous Finalist, Carluke withdrew, so Eastwood PS who qualified as the next eligible Club to represent the SPF took their place. This year's Judges were Roger Hance (EAF), Nick Hilton (LCPU) and Helen Hanafin (IPF).

The 35 Clubs entered this year's competition, from the PAGB Federations, and competed in the first and second rounds for a place in the final. The competition was keenly fought with 8 Clubs qualifying for the final.  

At the end of the first two rounds, no SPF club had qualified for the Final with Dumfries just missing the cut by two points on 197, while Eastwood scored 186. Both Clubs therefore competed for the Plate trophy.

The final result was to see Dumfries finish in 5th= place with 103 points. Eastwood finished on 94 pts.

A copy of the full results is available (click here) and the Award Winning Photos can be viewed (click here)

2021 PAGB Print Championship

The Inter-Club Print Championship was held on Sunday 24th October 2021 and hosted by Smethwick PS, under the chairmanship of David Smith. 

Due to covid restrictions at the time, the venue was restricted for numbers attending so the live Judging was zoomed out to participating Club members who couldn't attend. The Judges were Ralph Duckett MPAGB EFIAP APAGB (MCPF), Tillman Kleinhans ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/g BPE4 (L&CPU) and Niamh Whitty ARPS FIPF (Irish Photographic Federation).

As a special arrangement, the event was a single round of 15 prints from each of the qualifying and nominated Clubs. 35 Clubs competed from across the PAGB member Federations. Three SPF Clubs had qualified to represent the SPF, Carluke CC as 2019 finalists, and Dumfries CC and Edinburgh PS due to their 2019 SPF Print Championship results. 

At the end of the Judging the result was to see Edinburgh PS finish top Scottish Club in 11th place on 184 pts, 12th= place was Dumfries CC on 183 pts and Carluke finished in 14th place on 181 pts.

No Individual Awards went to SPF Clubs. To see the prints that did gain Awards please visit the PAGB Gallery (click here)

2021 PAGB Inter-Club Projected Championship - SPF Club Results

This year's event was held in a different format, with a 'virtual' event organised by the PAGB due to Covid rather than this event's regular venue of Warwick University. The 2020 event had not run due to Covid so the PAGB were keen to run some sort of event in 2021.

Three Scottish Clubs  represented the SPF from their pre-qualification in 2019; Carluke CC who made lthe 2019 final, along with Dumfries CC and Ayr PS who qualified in the November 2019 SPF PDI Championship. This year's Judges were Marilyn Roberts (YPU), Gabriel O'Shaugnessy (IPF) and Leo Rich (SCPF)

The 37 Clubs entered this year's competition, from the PAGB Federations, and submitted 16 images online in advance for a place in the final. The competition was keenly fought with 8 Clubs qualifying for the final. After the first two rounds there was a run away Club, Rolls Royce Derby who was 19 points ahead of the 2nd placed Club. 

Marking was a little lower than usual and at the end of the first round, Carluke had finished in 11th place (186pts), while Dumfries CC finished in 12th place (185pts) and Ayr PS in 22nd (178pts). The Plate Trophy didn't run this year due to the logistics of 37 Club selecting their images 'live' so only the Final ran and those Clubs selected their Final round images over the lunch break, The victors were to be Rolls Royce Derby who pretty much lead all the way. 

There were no Individual Awards this year for SPF members, but you can view all of the results on the PAGB website (click here) or view a report in the PAGB e-news newsletter special (click here) 

2019 PAGB Inter-Club Projected Championship - SPF Club Results

This year's event was held at this event's regular venue of Warwick University. Three Scottish Clubs made the trip to represent the SPF; Dumfries CC who made last year's final, along with Carluke CC and Ayr PS who qualified in November's SPF PDI Championship. This year's Judges were Ralph Duckett (MCPF), Peter Paterson (SPF) and Ian Woolford (WPF).

The 38 Clubs entered this year's competition, from the PAGB Federations, and competed in the first and second rounds for a place in the final. The competition was keenly fought with 8 Clubs qualifying for the final. After the first two rounds there were 9 points between the 1st and 8th= placed Clubs. 

At the end of the first two rounds, Carluke had qualified for the Final in 6th place, while Dumfries CC and Ayr PS competed for the Plate trophy. The final results was to see Carluke finish in 4th= place with 261 points, just three points behind the 2nd= placed Clubs. In the plate Ayr finished on 104 points in 3rd= place, and Dumfries CC finished on 101 points.

A Judge's Silver Medal was awarded to The Road Less Travelled by Paul Skehan of Carluke. Carluke's 4th= placed Final entry can be seen (click here)

A copy of the full results is available to download below or for more on the event and lots of the Award Winning Photos visit the PAGB e-news newsletter (click here) 

2019 PAGB Inter-Club Print Championship - SPF Club Results

This year’s event was held again at Westholme School, Blackburn. 3 Scottish Clubs made the trip to represent the SPF; Dumfries CC, Carluke CC, and Dundee PS. The Judges were Phil Charnock (L&CPU), David Lowe (MCPF) and Gabriel O'Shaugnessy (IPF).

37 Clubs competed in the first round for a place in the final. Eight Clubs ended up qualifying for the final, including Carluke CC, which was again a close fought battle.

The result was to see Carluke finish in 5th place (194 pts), the winners were Arden PG on 207 pts. Dumfries and Dundee contested the Plate Trophy which was won by Godalming PC with 69pts; Dumfries and Dundee finished 3rd= on 67pts.

Two of the Individual Awards went to SPF member Rod Wheelans from Dunfries. Best Mono Print for Bad Hair Day, and Phil Charnock's Judge's choice for Fattening for Bayram. Rod's two images can be seen above. For all of Carluke's 5th placed entry (click here)

You can view a PAGB e-news special containing many of the top images and all of the results (click here) or to see many of the entries from the finalists (click here) or to see a copy of the Print Championship Catalogue of Results (click here

2018 PAGB Inter-Club Digital Championship - SPF Results

This year two Scottish Clubs made the trip to represent the SPF; Eastwood PS and Dumfries CC who both qualified in November's SPF PDI Championship. The Judges for the PAGB event were Philip Charnock FRPS MFIAP, Des Clinton FIPF FRPS MFIAP and Richard Spurdens EFIAP/P DPAGB BPE4.

After two rounds Dumfries made it into the Final in 7th place, while Eastwood competed for the Plate Trophy. The Final results were to see Dumfries finish 8th in the Final, and Eastwood joint winners of the Plate Trophy, and Ken Lindsay won the award for the Best Image in the Championship. 

Find out more from this article by Ken Lindsay, Eastwood PS on the event (Extract from 'Thru the Lens' newsletter courtesy of it's Editor Jim McCreery, Eastwood PS) -

"On a hot day in July, representatives from 30 clubs (2 from each UK Federation) and 8 finalists from the previous year, met at Warwick University Arts Centre for this year’s Photographic Alliance of Great Britain Inter Club Projected Digital Image (PDI) Championship.

After two rounds with 8 images from each club, the top scoring 8 clubs competed in the Final, the remainder in the Plate. I tend to keep the best images to the end and this reflected our 25th equal placing after Round 1, our highest image being ‘Agog’, scoring 12 points. We fared much better in Round 2 with ‘The bond’ scoring 15 points, with John Hannah’s ‘Jumping Red Squirrel’ and Peter de Marco’s ‘Fergus the Tibetan Terrier’ each scoring 13 points. Our two-round total of 180 raised our position to 20th, but well within ‘Plate’ territory rather than the Final.

In the Plate we were required to choose 4 images from the first two rounds plus 4 new images. We started scoring well – Peter’s ‘Fergus’ and my ‘The bond’ both received 15 points; Stuart McCann’s ‘Quiet contemplation’ and John’s ‘Jumping Red Squirrel’ scored 14 points each. My mountain hare ‘Sitting pretty’ and Stuart’s ‘Bromo tree’ scored 13 and 12 respectively. John Hannah’s ‘Dalmatian Pelican’ and Kenny Gordon’s ‘Faces’ both scored 11, giving us a total of 105 points.

Amazingly this placed us in first equal place along with Wrekin Arts Photographic Club from Shropshire and won us the Plate Trophy (admittedly shared) and a PAGB Silver Medal. The Final was won by Wigan 10 with Dumfries eighth.

After three Judges’ choice medals were awarded, I was delighted to hear that ‘The bond’ won a PAGB Gold Medal and a trophy for the best image in the championship. In our first entry to this competition in 2015, using images dating back several years, we reached the final and ended up in 7th place. We have struggled somewhat since, but on this occasion our efforts were well rewarded with overall equal ninth position."

A copy of the full results is available to download below or visit the PAGB e-news Warwick Special Issue (click here) for lots of the Award winning images

2018 PAGB Inter-Club Print Championship - SPF Club Results

This year’s event was held again at Westholme School, Blackburn. 

3 Scottish Clubs made the trip to represent the SPF; Dumfries CC, Carluke CC, and Eastwood PS. The Judges were Gwen Charnock (L&CPU), Roger Hance (EAF) and Michael O'Sullivan (IPF).

35 Clubs competed in the first round for a place in the final. Nine Clubs ended up qualifying for the final, including Dumfries CC, which was again a close fought battle. 

The result was to see Dumfries finish in 6th place (196 pts), the winners were Rolls Royce (Derby) On 213 pts. Eastwood and Carluke contested the Plate Trophy which was won by Catchlight CC with 72pts; Carluke finished on 67 pts, and Eastwood just behind on 66pts. 

You can view a PAGB e-news special containing many of the top images and all of the results (click here)

2017 PAGB Inter-Club Print Championship - SPF Results

This year’s event was held at a new venue at Westholme School, Blackburn and was the 21st Print Championship to be held. The event also had a new Chairman; Richard Speirs from NCPF, although Rod along with the members of Dumfries continued to make up the ‘backroom’ team.

Four Scottish Clubs made the trip to represent the SPF Dumfries CC, Dundee PS, Eastwood PS and Carluke CC. The Judges were David Lowe (MCPF) Colin Westgate (EAF) and Paul Stanley (IPF).

37 Clubs competed in the first round for a place in the final. Only the top 8 Clubs qualifying for the final. Dumfries qualified for the final which was again a close fought battle.

The result was to see Dumfries finish in 7th place, the winners were Cambridge CC. Eastwood and Carluke contested the Plate Trophy which was won by Wigan 10; Eastwood finished 2nd= just 2 points behind the winners. Hound Portrait by Alistair Cox, Carluke CC won the Backroom Award.

You can view a PAGB e-news special containing many of the top images and all of the results (click here)

2017 PAGB Inter-Club Projected Championship - SPF Club Results

This year's event was held at this event's regular venue of Warwick University. Three Scottish Clubs made the trip to represent the SPF; Carluke CC who made last year's final, along with Eastwood PS and Dumfries CC who qualified in November's SPF PDI Championship. This year's Judges were Richard Spiers (NCPF), Roger Hance (EAF) and Gabriel O'Shaughnessy (Irish PF).

The 38 Clubs entered this year's competition, from the PAGB Federations, and competed in the first and second rounds for a place in the final. The competition was keenly fought with 8 Clubs qualifying for the final. After the first two rounds there were 15 points between the 1st and 8th placed Club. For the first time for many years no Scottish Club qualified for the final, although Dumfries missed out qualifying by just one point.

All three Scottish Clubs competed for the Plate trophy, which Dumfries CC won with a score of 112 from 8 images; Carluke finished on 105 and Eastwood 104.

No individual awards were won by SPF photographers this year, although Neil Smith of Carluke CC won a Canon camera in the raffle! 

A copy of the full results is available to download below or for more on the event and lots of the Award Winning Photos visit the PAGB e-news special (click here) 

2016 PAGB Inter-Club Print Championship - SPF Club Results

This year's event was held at a new venue at Ormskirk School and was the 20th Print Championship to be held. To celebrate this milestone every entrant ticket holder got a gift, mostly with regional significance. The SPF gave Grouse whisky miniatures!

Rod Wheelans (SPF & PAGB) proposed this event and has chaired and organised it since the beginning, and this 20th Championship was to be his last as Chairman. He receive a bottle of whisky from the PAGB President, on behalf of the PAGB, in recognition of all his work over the years, and a 'very long' standing ovation from all who were present!

Four Scottish Clubs made the trip to represent the SPF; Dumfries CC who were joint winners in 2015, Carluke CC who also qualified in 2015 as finalists; along with Edinburgh PS and Eastwood PS who qualified at the 2016 SPF Print Championship. Eastwood were making the trip for the first time. This year's Judges were Irene Froy (MCPF), Richard Spiers (NCPF) and Michael O'Sullivan (Eire)

The 37 Clubs entered from the PAGB Federations competed in the first round for a place in the final. This competition was keenly fought with the top 8 Clubs qualifying for the final.

Both Dumfries and Eastwood qualified for the final which was again a close fought battle with only . The result was to see Dumfries finish in a magnificent 2nd place, only 2 point behind the winners Wigan 10. Eastwood finishing a very creditable 5th= place. They also took the award for the Best Rookie Club - a box of 'Heroes'.

Edinburgh and Carluke contested the Plate Trophy; Carluke finishing 3rd= just 2 points behind the joint winners Chichester and Rolls Royce. 

Also to mark the 20th Print Championship, many more individual awards than usual were presented. Rod also donated two new trophies for the best Mono and Colour Prints. Of the 20 individual awards presented the following went to Scottish authors;

Irene Froy – PAGB Ribbon – Predator and Prey by Mick Durham, Dumfries CC

Irene Froy - PAGB Ribbon – Arctic Tern Over Luskentyre by Tom Langlands, Dumfries CC

Michael O’Sullivan – PAGB Ribbon – Ooops! By Libby Smith, Carluke CC

Richard Spiers – PAGB Ribbon – On Jokulsarlon Beach by Ken Lindsay, Eastwood PS

Richard Spiers – PAGB Ribbon – A Simple Life by Anne Greiner, Dumfries CC

A list of all of the results is available to download below.

2016 PAGB Inter-Club Projected Championship - SPF Club Results

The 2016 event was held at this event's regular venue of Warwick University. Four Scottish Clubs made the trip to represent the SPF; Dumfries CC and Eastwood PS who made last year's final, along with Dundee PS and Carluke CC who qualified in November's SPF PDI Championship. This year's Judges were Barry Mead (WCPF), Leo Rich (SCPF) and Paul Keene (MCPF).

The 39 Clubs entered this year's competition, from the PAGB Federations, and competed in the first and second rounds for a place in the final. The competition was keenly fought with 8 Clubs qualifying for the final. After the first two rounds there were only 8 points between the 1st and 8th placed Club, Carluke finished in 5th place and qualified for the final. The other SPF Clubs competed for the Plate trophy.

The Final result was to see Carluke finish in 7th= place.

In the Plate competition Dumfries finished 2nd= behind Trophy winners Doncaster, with Dundee PS in 5th= and Eastwood PS 10th=. 

Mick Durham from Dumfries CC also took the Best Individual Image of the day (PAGB Gold Medal & Practical Photography Trophy) with Predator and Prey, and Eddie Cocozza from Carluke CC won a Judge's Choice (PAGB Silver) for Like Whot You See Sir?. Both images can be seen above. 

A copy of the full results is available to download below. 

2015 PAGB Inter-Club Projected Championship - SPF Club Results

The 2015 event was held at this event's regular venue of Warwick University. Four Scottish Clubs made the trip to represent the SPF; Dumfries CC and Carluke CC who made last year's final, Dundee PS and Eastwood PS. Eastwood were cometing in this event for the first time. This year's Judges were Gwen Charnock (L&CPU), John Chamberlin (WCPF) and Leigh Preston (MCPF)

The 38 Clubs entered from the PAGB Federations competed in the first and secondrounds for a place in the final. This competition was keenly fought with 9 Clubs qualifying for the final, with 9 points between 1st and 8th=.

Both Dumfries and Eastwood qualified for the final. The result was to see Dumfries finish in 3rd place and Eastwood in 7th. Ken Lindsay from Eastwood PS also took the Best Individual Image of the day with On Jokulsarlon Beach which can be seen below.

Dundee and Carluke contested the plate competition with Dundee finishing in 3rd equal place behind the Plate Trophy winners Chorley PS.

A copy of the full results is available to download below. 

2015 PAGB Inter-Club Print Championship - SPF Club Results - Dumfries CC Joint Winners

This year's event was held at a new venue Ellesmere Port. Three Scottish Clubs made the trip to represent the SPF; Dumfries CC who were joint winners last year, Carluke CC who also qualified in 2014 and Ayr PS for the first time. This year's Judges were Phillip Charnock (L&CPU), Richard Walton (KCPA) and Gabriel O'Shaugnessy (Eire)

The 37 Clubs entered from the PAGB Federations competed in the first round for a place in the final. This competition was keenly fought with the top 8 Clubs qualifying for the final, and only 5 points between 1st and 8th place.

Both Dumfries and Carluke qualified for the final which was again a close fought battle with only 7 points between 1st and 8th. The result was to see Dumfries victorious as joint winners with Stafford PS and Carluke in 8th. A couple of images from Dumfries CC's winning entry can be seen above.

Ayr contested the plate competition, and finished only 3 points behind the Plate Trophy winners Smethwick PS.

A copy of the full results is available to download below.