News Archive

CPAGB - DPAGB... The Awards for Photographic Merit (APM) Advice Service is available to members of PAGB Affiliated Clubs.

Before applying for Advice, you need to meet the eligibility criteria for the APM level you request.

You do not need Federation approval of your eligibility: your...

The Edinburgh Photographic Society are this year running their First Edinburgh Photographic Society International Digital Exhibition.

The Exhibition has both FIAP and PSA patronage, as well as that of the SPF. SECTIONS AND FEES - The Exhibition consists of Four (4) Sections with up to Four...

The 2021 Masters of Print is open for entries with the online entry closing 8th October 2021 and prints to be with organiser by 15th October. It will be Judged shortly after and it is hoped that an Exhibition will go ahead at Birmingham in St Martin's Church in the Bullring...

The Dingwall National Projected Image Exhibition is back and open for entries. Closing Date 20th September.

Four Sections - Open Colour - Monochrome - Landscape - Nature

This year the Judges are - John Chamberlin FRPS APAGB MFIAP FBPE from Bristol; Allan Gawthorpe DPAGB EFIAP/s...

FREE CATALOGUE for every Entrant, every Club and every member of a Federation Executive! But you need to register your address to receive your copy.

Previous editions of the catalogue have been hailed as the best catalogue produced in the UK and “masters of print 4” will be equally lavish...

The Scottish Photographic Federation 'Interim' Print Championship is open for entries and due to current Covid restrictions with a NEW Extended Closing Date of 30th April 2021.

Your Club members are invited to submit an entry to this year’s SPF Print Championship. We will announce the...

The PAGB are hold a PAGB Audio Visual Assessment Day on 14th February 2021.

For the first time ever, this PAGB AV Assessment will be conducted via Zoom. A provisional timing plan is available as a pdf ...

We are holding the Interim Digital Championship 2020 Awards Presentation event via Zoom on Saturday 30th January 2021 at 2pm.

We will announce both the Club Results and all of the Individual Awards that have been presented live. Our two Judges Andrea Hargreaves...

The format of these events has changed and they will now be run in combination in order to encourage more print entries. Additionally, to encourage print entries the maximum paper size allowed will now be A4 and there will be no charge for print entries.

The GB Trophies for prints and the...
