News Archive

Eastwood Photographic Society have just emerged victorious as "The Photography News and Fuji Camera Club Of The Year 2017-18." Following a series of 5 monthly competitions followed by the Final in May, involving the submission of 20 images covering five different shoots, they emerged clear...

Genesis To Jubilee - The Story of Falkirk Camera Club opened on 31st March 2018 in The Gallery at Falkirk Town Hall, West Bridge St., Falkirk.

This exhibition 'Genesis To Jubilee' is the Story Of Falkirk Camera Club telling the story of their 60 year journey. The exhibition has been...

The SPF are currently seeking images for potential use in the FIAP Biennial competitions. These competitions involve submitting Prints or PDIs to a host nation using a theme chosen by each entering Nation. As well as judging and marking each image in a traditional way, marks are also awarded to...

Scottish Photographers did extremely well in this year's Masters of Print competition. With only a maximum of 60 individuals work being exhibited it was a tightly fought event, resulting in four SPF photographers winning Medals, and more winning Sponsor's awards. 

Of the final 59...

There were a number of successful Scottish authors in this year's 94th Scottish Salon.

The Trophy for the Best Scottish Club 2017 went to Edinburgh Photographic Society, and the Scottish Salon Nature Photographer 2017 also went to a Scottish author, Mary Gibson from Carluke CC.


Dumfries Camera Club was founded in 1947 and as a part of their Platinum Anniversary celebrations, Club members have photographed many hundreds of the Region’s residents and heard a little about their lives, families, work and interests. Dumfries Camera Club's exhibition PEOPLE OF DUMFRIES AND...

The 155th Edinburgh International Exhibition is now open to the public from Sunday 30 July to Sunday 27 August 2017,

Open 10am to 5pm every day.

See details on poster.

Dingwall National Projected Image Exhibition 2017, has four sections - Open Colour - Monochrome - Landscape - Nature. This is the 40th year of this National Exhibition so why not send them an entry.. As a member exhibition of the British Photographic Exhibitions (BPE) circuit, all images...

A large number of Scottish Photographers were successful in the 94th Scottish Salon.

A Gallery containing some of the Scottish Acceptances will be uploaded soon. Until then, you can see many of the print acceptances (Over 400 prints) and all of the Award Winning Prints and PDIs at the...

Scottish Nature Photography Awards 2017 Entry deadline approaching.

This annual photographic competition celebrating nature, wildlife and landscape photography in Scotland is open to professional and amateur photographers from around the world, but images must be taken in Scotland. Entries...
